I haven't had a chance to see this sparkly shit show yet on account of not being fifteen years old and having five hours and thirty bucks to blow on a cartoon about saving trees and fighting dinosaurs, but if there's one lesson we can all take from it -- and no offense to the sophisticated dandies of the internet community -- it's that anyone who finds themselves tempted to use the phrases "Smurfs" or "Dances with Wolves in Space" or "Dances with Smurfs" should promptly report to the business end of a magic alien aborigine's spear and fucking die of cliche poisoning. (Because they're blue, you see, which, of course, therefor, the Smurfs. Also, some guy fights with the space Indians against the cowboy robots, ergo &c.).
I know this is gonna ruin about 85% of the discourse that goes on on the internet boxes, but, and I can't really ever say this enough people, pointing out when things are kind of like other things really isn't as valuable a skill as you want it to be.

Real blue alien tree people don't sparkle!
It's basically The Last Samurai meets Chip and Dale.
dances w/wolves in space is a pretty apt description of it actually
haha Justin.
also Family Guy is like the Simpsons.
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