Here's the best fan mail I got this week. I like the part where he doesn't even know that he's racist. He does have one part right though, I am a giant pussy.
You really have a lot of balls writing about "racism in the city of Boston". You don't know squat about what's gone on in the city of Boston. You grew up in the cozy little suburb of Kingston. What's ironic about your description of the Pony Room aka Ups N Downs is how you continued to make your points about what a racist bar it was yet you went onto say that you only hung out downstairs and in typical liberal fashion you only published the racial remarks the whites made downstairs.
I can assure you that you would have found far more anti white sentiment had you gone back on a day when the upstairs section of the bar was open. Afterall, the white regulars who hung downstairs never caused any problems. It was the blacks who frequented upstairs that turned the place into a shithole with stabbings, guns being drawn, and a couple of melees.
Also your ignorance against Dorchester shows that in fact you are the true bigot. Your little comment about the bartender and how she's "cute in a trashy Dorchester sort of way". I know this girl and she worked her ass off in a tough environment to earn money and who the hell are you to talk trash about her? I also loved how you went on a little tizzy about how disgusted you were that the whites were downstairs and the blacks upstairs. Ever think that maybe people want to be with their own kind?? I didn't notice you talking about how ignorant any of the people in the dive bars in Roxbury were. Only the white ones. Again, you don't know what shit about living or growing up in Dorchester. You're just a typical Boston Globe, bowtie bum kisser who writes about racism as if it only exists from whites in the city. I can tell you I have been called "White mother fucker" "Cracka punk" and every other anti white racial term living in this city. I guess when you're just a candy assed chump who hides behind a keyboard its easy for you to hide behind your monitor and slander the Irish-Catholic population of Dorchester and Southie.
Last but not least, you said you wish you got beatup just once. We could arrange for that to happen if you want to make a "Boston's Best Dive bars part 2". Nothing more I'd like to do than to smack the shit out of a little shit talking, smug asshole like yourself. Your book sucked by the way. I skimmed it one day at Barnes and Nobles. You're nothing but a fake and a poser. You went to these bars and had a beer or two and then acted like an expert on the matter.
Funny also how you made the bouncer at the Ups N Downs out to be a bad guy after he had a bottle fired off his face and then punched the girl. See unlike you whos most likely never been in a fight, when you get smashed in the face with a bottle or punched in the head your instinct is to punch that person out. Thats what happened. That bouncer is a friend of mine and is a good guy. He merely took the beer out of one black girl's hand because it is illegal for them to bring beers out of the bar. She began swearing up a storm at him (racial epithets btw) and then her friend fired a bottle off his face and he punched her tooth out.........Also you do realize that the reason the Ups N Downs closed was because of black gang members brawling with each other upstairs and one of them pulled out a knife and began stabbing indiscriminantly and nearly killing Dave the bouncer. I guess that wouldn't be very PC of you to point out that fact that the serious trouble at the Ups N Downs was caused by young black men. You don't have the balls to write that.
You're a disgusting, liberal puke. Probably one of these yuppies who lives in Southie now. One of these days if you keep on bashing on people you're gonna catch what you rightfully deserve. Karma is a bitch. Just remember that pal.
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Hey, yo, just to be clear, sometimes black dudes cause trouble at bars. It took some balls for me to admit that, but I think I'm big enough to say as much.
He might be slightly more persuasive if he wasn't threatening to kick your ass the whole time. Wait, no, it would still be a dumb-ass letter.
The only thing more idiotic than this guy's strangely well written attack on you, is me, for reading it in its entirety. That famous contest scene from Billy Madison comes to mind.
He did make some pretty solid points about how horrible black people are, good call.
What a fucking asshat. Though you were sexist in regards to the bartender, not letting you off for that one Luke.
I've also never had a bottle thrown in my face, but I'm pretty sure my initial reaction would be to cry and run away. But then again, I don't know how much my blood would be boiling after being called a "cracka punk." That might just send me over the edge.
I don't see race. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I've been to a Foreigner concert. - Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
I'm not sure I've ever heard a better anti-white slur in the big city than "white boy bitch" or "white boy faggot." See, it's all about demeaning and undermining the white man's masculinity, because of all those years when his forefathers did it to the black man. "White motherfucker" and "cracker punk" simply do not register for me.
I suppose those are more insulting, but it's kind of weird to actually care if someone calls you gay. How is that a bad thing? Don't get regular bros sometimes.
Ha ha. I like this kid. Sorry, Luke. Hire him on as the PTSOTL counterpoint. That's the kind of unruly bastid I envision when I think of Boston.
I'll see what his rate is per post.
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