Sunday, October 14, 2012

Scene Report: 22 Must Hear Bands From Boston

I’d like to be able to tell you about all the cool underground bands from whatever shitty city it is that you live in, but I can’t because 1) I don’t care, and 2) I already live in the best musical city in the country and this is what I know. That said, stay tuned for forthcoming lists of the best bands in other places, maybe, if we get around to it.

Hello there and welcome to Boston, or as we might say it in Boston, “fuck you.” You may be somewhat familiar with our city from our really-good-at-almost-winning-championships-but-not-quite-sports-teams, our army of ruggedly insufferable blue collar film dandies, or the biggest nerds from your hometowns who all go to school “near here.” Music fans will of course be familiar with our success stories, like Amanda Palmer, Soul Clap, and Passion Pit, and every other important indie band in the nineties that the kids these days are trying to sound like. But there’s a lot more to the city, like all the homespun, folksy racism. The truth is we really do have an insane wealth of musical talent here, partly from the onslaught of college kids too special to get real jobs after they graduate, and partly because many of us feel a community service obligation to atone for the elderly nutsack stain of Steven Tyler’s cumulative resume. Here are ten bands, some brand new, some longer in the tooth, that you’ll want to check out from the big Bean, as no one calls it. Read the rest at Bullett.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. I have a ton of new music to check out now. Nice variety too. So far Dirty Dishes would be my favorite. Totally reminds me of this.!_%28album%29

Speedy Ortiz is definitely the daughter of a drunken scissorfuck with Veruca Salt, The Breeders, and Liz Phair. I like it.


This post is everything I want from the internet. Looking forward to checking all of them out. Who are the band in the photo up top?


That's Mean Creek. They're good, and also happen to be sweet hahts.

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