Hi Haters, Kreayshawn’s Debut Isn’t Actually the Worst of All Time
Weird, turns out that for only the 10,000th time in a row that massive internet buzz hasn’t turned into anything approaching tangible, real money in the actual marketplace. Meh, it’ll probably pan out next time, giant corporations, so you should definitely keep trying. The shocking revelation comes, as nearly everyone on the internet has been reporting this weekend, that jazz violinist Kreayshawn’s debut Something About Kreay, was the worst selling record by an artist on a major label of all time, moving only 3,900 copies, a stunningly low figure for an internet icon who could literally fart glitter into a camera and pull in millions of YouTube views. Maybe that’s not a good example, because I’d definitely watch that, but you know what I mean....read the rest at Bullett.
Lindsay Lohan Assaulted by Republican Congressional Staffer in Cell Phone Dispute
Remember a couple of weeks ago when Lindsay Lohan tweeted at president Obama that millionaires need tax cuts too? Seemed weird at the time, right? (Although I’m not really sure anything counts as weird when we’re talking about LiLo anymore. Maybe an actual acting job done to completion?) An altercation between Lohan and a giant douche gentleman on Saturday night at the W Hotel in New York City may shed some light on her conservative policy-making concerns — she’s . And by “hanging out” I mean, “getting choked by.” Allegedly, that is, although you can probably consider that qualifier as a given for any story concerning the alleged actress....read the rest at Bullett.
Can Your Favorite Beer Predict How You’ll Vote?
No. The answer is no, of course, as it will always be for headlines that end in a question mark, but someone did some kind of study or other looking into it, so it behooves us to at least ask the question....read the rest at Bullett.
The 10 Most Consistently “Pretty Good” Bands
Coming up with lists of awful bands is easy. Literally just reach your hand into a bucket with the names of every band ever written on a piece of paper and work from there. Lists of really good ones slightly less so, but it’s still manageable enough. Just figure out what type of girl you’re trying to sleep with, see what she likes, and then send her the link after you write it...read the rest at Bullett
Karlie Kloss Packs on the Pounds, Airbrush Style
It’s hard being a fashion model. Either you’re too skinny and people on the internet are all “Eat a sandwich, honey,”or you’re .5 lbs over weight and you can’t get a job. And then there’s all the whining people do about fake beauty standards and unachievable perfection or what-have-you, I don’t really know, I’m wallowing in male privilege so I’m not really paying attention. But it turns out that the tide of decades of artificially slimming women to squeeze them into the tiny little imaginary clothes boxes may have finally started to turn back....read the rest at Bullett.
Morrissey Pulls a Ryan Gosling, Comes to Aid of Old Lady In NYC
Just when it seemed that Morrissey, the zeppelin-domed crosspatch of melodramatic British rock had finally disavowed all former ties to his basic humanity (see this highly quotable in the Boston Phoenix where he explains how people like him are different than you and I), it turns out the old loveable malcontent still has a few good deeds left in him. While browsing through the Strand Book Store in New York City (Queerty via Spinner) an elderly woman nearby collapsed. It appears, at long last, the day has come when he had a natural emotion...read the rest at Bullett.

Better luck next time Kreay. Up your game to this and you might get more sales.
Disappointing to see Electric Wizard didn't make your top ten. Dopethrone is still about as close as anyone has come to replicating the elusive brown note. I will agree with Muse though. Boys got talent.
good jam nqa
Mos def. Girl's got talent. She'll be marrying one of the guys from 311 soon enough. Who else is from Nebraska?
Here's one more to lull you into dreamland.
They went to school here in Boston. We have claimed them.
The vocalist maybe. I'm pretty sure the guitarist is from the UK. Here's a crazy idea. You're both from Boston so maybe give homeboy some print here. He looks like a chill bro in need of some publicity. Thanks, old buddy.
wait, which one am i supposed to give pub to now?
i reviewed their record in the globe. tried to interview them like last year and got turned down by pr as I recall.
The second video I linked. The Gangnam cover by Galactic Aquarius/For Salvation. Ah OK. The guy and gal in Karmin went to school in Boston. Gotcha.
They turned down an interview? Dick move, Karmin.
Why is there a picture of Jesse Camp up there?
read the story duder
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