Monday, October 15, 2012

Meteorologist weather boner of the week

This storm boner weather report from Fox 13 in Utah, as Gawker points out, would've been funny enough if not for the meteorologist's "several unwitting double entendres."  I think that's selling it short here. Every single line this guy speaks is something I've said at one point or another in the bedroon, as it were, including "this is a tropical storm" and "nothing really to worry about as far as wind goes." And like this weather event, most of my "storms" usually turn themselves into a depression about 5 seconds after they're over too.  

"It was hot! Now we have, John. This is a tropical storm You say, 'Dan why are you showing me this?' Because John's going to move north. The moisture from John leftover. The spin. The storm itself will turn into a depression. Nothing really to worry about as far as wind goes, but watch where the precipitation goes. Some of it will head up to the west, some of it will head up to the east."

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