Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Morrissey on Colbert last night UPDATE

Morrissey was on Colbert last night. The old boy plays his part as the straight man to Colbert pretty well, and breaks character once or twice, even when Colbert asks the dreaded question. 

UPDATE: Oh, weird, you'll never believe this, but Buzzfeed took an idea that they heard somewhere else then passed it off as their own without mentioning the source in a hilarious collection of images that add no value to anything. Here's there post today titled Morrissey Is Not Impressed With Stephen Colbert. Where have I heard that before? Oh right: 


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Ha ha - "I know a lamb that's a fucking asshole, could I eat that lamb?".


Kind of funny seeing Morrissey a bit in over his head off his own turf.

vegan jules said...

hire me bro.


for what again?

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