Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Iowa Rep Steve King wants to make sure disaster money isn't spent on "Gucci bags and massage parlors"


Shit, free bags and hand jobs? I want in on some of this sweet, sweet horrible natural disaster action. Where do I sign up? 

At least that's how I understand this whole disaster relief thing works, based on trusted statewide leader, Iowa Congressman Steve King. King, who you may remember, said he had never heard of anyone ever getting pregnant from rape, and was also was a vociferous defender of Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin. 

"I think this election should be about, how did Todd Akin vote and what did he vote for and what did he stand for," he said. "And in this case, I'm seeing the same thing -- petty personal attacks substituting for strong policy."

Strong policies like, say, voting against disaster relief in the wake of Katrina a few years ago, which, you're never going to believe this, King did. 

The problem, you see, is that all this federal money, money taken, it doesn't need to be said, out of the pockets of hard working law makers and/or small business owners, is handed out willy-nilly and wasted on frivolous things. 

"I want to get them the resources that are necessary to lift them out of this water and the sand and the ashes and the death that's over there in the East Coast and especially in the Northeast," King said this week, about relief efforts for Sandy.  "But not one big shot to just open up the checkbook, because they spent it on Gucci bags and massage parlors and everything you can think of in addition to what was necessary." Which, as we all remember from all those awesome shit-water parties we waded through after Katrina, was all the rage at the time. 

Oh, and in case you were wondering if King was also racist in addition to hating women and poor people whose lives have been destroyed by "an act of God", of course he is.  

"The Iowa Republican said he didn't misspeak when he told a nationally syndicated radio show on Monday that President Obama favors blacks over whites. King told the G. Gordon Liddy show that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder repeatedly demonstrate an unjust preference toward minorities." 

He does bring up a good point about not burning through all of our disaster funds, however. We're going to need to save all we can for the impending storm of horseshit and petty venality that's going to drown us all if the likes of King and his ilk get reelected.


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vegan jules said...

Dude. Your header image for this site is a visual metaphor for rape y'know. And not legitimate rape.


yeah but she can't get pregnant in that metaphor.

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