Sunday, October 7, 2012

Georgia House member: Big bang, evolution are lies from the pit of hell

Welp, that was fast. Just when we thought our man Jon Hubbard, or J Hubs, as I call him, the Arkansas state rep we talked about yesterday who thinks slavery was a blessing was the epitome of benighted obdurance, up jumps US House member Paul Broun from Georgia to stunt on dude's shine. Speaking at a sportsman's banquet at Liberty Bapitist church in Georgia a week or so ago, Broun had the following to say:

"I've come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. And it's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior." (AP via PJ)

Maybe the sport the banquet in question was for was a fucking idiot contest?

Broun, as the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out, and something you will be in no way surprised to hear, is a medical doctor and a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, three things that he probably doesn't even believe exist.  Broun also said he thinks the Earth is 9,000 years old, and was made in 6 days. 

As Talking Points Memo mentions in an older article about Broun, in the past he "has compared President Obama to Hitler and said Obama, Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are part of a "socialistic elite" who may use a flu pandemic to declare martial law." I think the flu is already entered into his brain at this point.

Here's a fun picture of Broun palling around with noted liberal socialist Alec Baldwin. Not quite as funny as the last time he appeared with the actor though:


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Anonymous said...

Ho lee shit. This guy is insane. P Bro is a pretty good nom de guerre though. Thank fuck the Union killed the Confederacy. The south will rise again? 1865 was a long time ago, Cletus. Can you see First Lady Honey Boo Boo snorting bath salts off of the presidential limo's hood? Slow ass, sweet tea drinking, hayseed cocksuckers. Apologies to the few decent southerners.


Haha P Bro is good. Otherwise agreeing with your assessment.

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