Saturday, November 3, 2012

What does Obama have to do to win over "special interest" group white men? Chris Rock has a suggestion

Around election time people often talk about "special interest" groups voting for "one of their own." Those people are known as racists, and you can find all sorts of them all over the media. Go turn on your TV or radio right now. There's one!

For every person you see pointing out that Obama got 95% of the black vote in 2008, you might counter with this: Al Gore got 90% in 2000. Even John Kerry got 88% in 2004. John wind-surfing-ass Kerry. That's better than even Bill Clinton, "the first black president" (which, by the way, what was that whole thing about?) got 83% back in 1992, and the country was even more racist back then than it is now, if you young people can believe that.

People can argue about whether or not black voters are aligned in a bloc behind Obama because of his race, sure, and then you can tell them that they're a racist piece of shit and go do something better with your day.  

But even if you did allow for that line of thinking, they're not even the most illogically racially-motivated identity group in this coming election, as Tom Scocca points out in this piece on Slate. That would be white men. "White people—white men in particular—are for Mitt Romney. White men are supporting Mitt Romney to the exclusion of logic or common sense, in defiance of normal Americans. Without this narrow, tribal appeal, Romney's candidacy would simply not be viable. Most kinds of Americans see no reason to vote for him."

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll Scocca sites, white men are only supporting Obama at a rate of 37% to Romney's 65%. Romney also enjoys a lead among white women. We've seen plenty of examples of the reverse of this question, like former New Hampshire governor and current pinched sphincter of a man-mole John Sununu suggesting Colin Powell was only endorsing Obama because they're both good at basketball. (Basically).

"When you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to look at whether that's an endorsement based on issues or he's got a slightly different reason for endorsing President Obama," he said. "I think when you have somebody of your own race that you're proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him."

Perhaps it's time to ask why such a high percentages of white people insist on voting for the candidate that shares their skin color? Why do all these white men feel the need to stick together? Do they have "a slightly different reason"? 

Black voters may not even turn out to support Obama in the same numbers they did four years ago, some opinions are suggesting. Much of that, the conventional wisdom goes, may have to do with opposition to support of gay marriage coming from black clergy leaders who are encouraging congregations to stay home. I think it's fair to say those hypocritical black homophobic shit heads can go fuck themselves. A Pew Poll found that only 71% of registered gays and lesbian voters surveyed will vote for Obama, by the way, which means those Romney voters in the mix value their money over their own civil liberties  -- but that's basically Republicans in a nutshell isn't it? Then again I just read that information on the Daily Caller, so I wouldn't be surprised if it were literally spun out of whole cloth. 

So what does Obama need to do to close the gap with that special interest group of minority voters known as white men? Besides invent a magic anti-racism laser of some kind? Sadly, there's nothing he can do, I don't think. Some people are always going to vote for the candidate who looks most like themselves.   Perhaps, as Chris Rock suggests in this endorsement of Obama on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, they just aren't looking at the issue through the right framework. Obama, or Barry, the third whitest name on Earth, is much whiter than we might've thought.


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Anonymous said...

I read that Gode guy's thing this morning at that Taki site. Apparently he's hiding out in the mountains with a gun and bottled water. Just on the off chance that Romney wins and all the negroes go nuts. How's that for LOL, eh?


Oh my god why would you do that to yourself?

Cedrick said...

Actually, going from 88% or 90% to 95% is pretty significant - surely you know lots of stats nerds. And attributing the increase in support to a sense of kinship among blacks isn't too unreasonable. I don't see what the big problem with it is either.

2/3 of white men like Romney, 1/3 don't. Is that really racism? I prefer Romney because a Mormon president would be hilarious, and Obama is too much of a Dork.

Luke, bro, I think that deep in your dark heart you know that they're both total dicks. And it disappoints me that you're always going off like some kind of "issues" guy.

Be safe.

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