Monday, November 2, 2009

Parking Garages

Being in a parking garage. Not instantly walking the eff out of there and going about your business. Noticing a car has its window down a little bit.
A Toyota Fucking Corolla. Strolling up to the car to get a better look. Figuring out some way to work that slightly open window into getting the door open. Getting up in there. Realizing there isn't much of value to take. Taking some dude's dry cleaning off the hanger in the back anyway. Taking that shit with you. Dying of swine cancer.

These fucks. This whole fucking thing. I can see getting your shit took if it actually has some value here, but we're talking about my 2nd and 3rd string GAP button-downs. Not exactly a high street value. Fuck you very much Boston Medical Center Parking Garage. I hope someone steals all your doctors.

Is it just me or is stealing a man's dry cleaning a little weird. Not to be racist or whatever, but that shit is also just a little bit gay. Like literally. Anyway, at least I only had to sit in the dentist chair for 4 hours while the half-wit pussy Dr. Jigsaw mangled the shit out of my face bones with a drill. It could have been a worse night I suppose.

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Begbie said...

how about all parking lots in general? or really just stealing from people with crappy cars. i got my hyundai window smashed and my leather coat swiped last year while at a kids birthday party. in the pocket of the coat was an iPod, a book, some leather gloves and some sweet 40 cent shades. and i didn't even get a goodie bag.

crap, i'm on the list for only capitalizing the "p" in iPod, huh?


stealing. parking lots and how much they cost. driving. having things. wanting someone else's things. it all counts.

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