Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I know the Champagne of Beers is the official beverage of the New Hampshire State-Highway Sign Shooting Team and all, but is this really necessary? Or is it that some 300-pound hunting fuck in a bright orange vest is genuinely concerned that a five-point buck might spot his fucking beer can and flee to the relative safety of the nearest Home Depot parking lot?

I thought maybe this was the Photoshop version of a Jeff Foxworthy punchline - "Sucks when you can't pound a frosty Golden Shower and enhance your taxidermy collection at the same time, amiright fellas?" - until one of these bad boys singed my eyeballs down the packy a few weeks back. As it turns out, the camo can is no joke. Even though it kind of is.

Nothing says "Americuuuhh!" quite like camouflage and shitty beer, so the marketing wizards over at Miller knew they had a cash cow on their hands when they came up with this one. Some poor genius in the cross-branding department probably tried desperately to cram a monster truck into the equation only to get stonewalled at the last second because the boys in distribution just could not wait one more solitary second to get this patriotic triumph on the shelves in time for football and deer killin'. In fact, the ad copy for this marketing eureka is a paean to xenophobes and awkward-sentence enthusiasts all across our great land: "Due to be released next month to celebrate the hunting season are these camo cans from Miller High Life. Not something you would likely see in Europe."

Can't argue with that, Hoss. You know what else you wouldn't likely see in Europe? Miller Fucking High Life.

brought to you by



bwooof. look at that. just look at that thing. that fucking thing. right up there. existing.

Anonymous said...

"camo can" label on the camo can for good measure

glenn beck's pink boner said...

Because how else would we know.


High Life in general taste like balls champagne. Barely carbonated piss.


I lose track of those beers all the time


I think that has more to do with your drinking too many of them than the uncanny disguise scheme.


You don't like camo? Sounds like someone's not supporting the troops. Hey, can we get a yellow ribbon on that wolf?


Not a bad idea!

D. Jean Mustard said...

i'll see your camo can and raise you a 12-pack of Busch.



COMEON! That's not real

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