How nice of you to say that. Well, fuck you in retrospect.
Because it's our job here to make sure you don't walk around acting and sounding like an a-hole all day, here are a few things you should ask yourself whenever you get the misguided urge to use this expression:
Because it's our job here to make sure you don't walk around acting and sounding like an a-hole all day, here are a few things you should ask yourself whenever you get the misguided urge to use this expression:
- Am I some sort of mystical Jedi capable of using my magic powers of suggestion to get people to do things for me?
- Am I a time traveler recently returned from a trip to the future where I have seen the outcome of my request and your subsequent compliance?
- Am I generally comfortable sounding like a dick?
If there answer to any of those three is yes, then you've got the go ahead. Otherwise, this is yet another example of using phony, over-complicated corporate speak to say more than you really need to. We've had another, simpler way to express this very same idea for hundreds of years now that works just fine. It's called saying "please." Thanks in advance for cutting this bullshit right out.

I'm ashamed of myself for using this circumspeak for the first (and now last) time in an email last week.
Just Who The Fuck Do I Think I Am?
Still don't really get what that whole hash tag thing does in the interworld.
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