Dear moms, if you're that worried that every childless adult you encounter in the world wants to have sex with your children, then why don't you just stay the fuck home and leave the scary world to the adults? Thanks!
Everyone knows the only thing people do with their cell phones is take weird sex pictures. When moms saw a man lurking around San Francisco's Mountain Lake Park apparently taking cell phone pics of their kids, they leaped into action.
Here's the email that was passed among parents' lists earlier this month, warning of the man in the PT Cruiser: Please help spread the word to people you know in this neighborhood. I have seen this man 2 times at the lower playground at MLP. He does NOT have children and pretends like he does and is there to do pull ups. He takes pictures of the kids with his phone. He drives a silver PT cruiser and wears sunglasses. He takes pictures of BOTH boys and girls. He looks for kids that don't have care givers near by. I have not confronted him, but take Scout and stand next to him. He gets nervous and puts his phone away and eventually leaves. I personally believe that given the chance he might engage the kids and who knows what could happen.... Gawker
You know what? Just in case let's sign this guy up for a life time of state sanctioned harassment on account of his coincidental proximity to children. After all, he should have known better than to exist.
Oh, and just saying, this woman named her child Scout.
Oh, and just saying, this woman named her child Scout.

watch where you piss in public. that's all i have to say on the matter.
Exactly. You can have your entire life ruined because you pissed on a tree when you thought no one was looking. Fucking ridiculous.
This is actually relatively timely, given there are thousands of legal immigrants in Arizona who are about to have their lives turned upside down over the next few months. Should be pretty sweet.
Based on context clues, I think Scout is a dog or some sort of pet/bodyguard in this story.
The ALLCAPS "BOTH" makes me so angry I'm almost shaking.
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