Tuesday, May 18, 2010

One Year Anniversaries

It's been a year since we pushed this little blog through the sweaty birth canals of the internet, and I'd like to think we've made a huge difference in peoples' lives. Mostly mine, because now I have a place to force my weird neuroses onto unsuspecting bystanders. Also because I'm the only one who reads it anymore. But also yours. I'd like to think I've touched you in a way that you'll never forget. Like your dad sort of, but with a more tender stroke.

Actually the one year anniversary was last week, but much like real anniversaries -- woops! Kind of lost track of things here what with the old, uh, tv and things being on.

Today I thought I'd bring us back to more innocent days with a return to this blog's roots, when it was mostly about pretending food I didn't like was an affront to standards of human decency. With that in mind I was all set to throw truffle oil on the List after dinner last night, but turns out we already covered that shit (see below). Turns out we already covered everything.

Speaking of which, can you believe they're still putting this alien pit-stink on everything still? I had a dinner last night that was made up of truffle oil, goat cheese, duck confit, pork belly and cranberries. Those aren't foods, those are byproducts of digestion. Human Centipede run-off level shit. I'm not gonna say where it was but it was at the W--dw-rd at the A--s Hotel. A fine place, no question, with some really good drinks, but come on dudes. That's like putting the List on shuffle and cooking the first cliche that pops up. That would be like going back into the food archives and rehashing old menu hits for a reunion tour. (Being the type of person who eats out enough to know what sort of food items are tired trends at restaurants is on the List too beeteedubs.) It was like the dinner version of re-posting old blog items just to fill space. Which is what I'm going to do today. Like this simple, direct List classic below. Simian Fever is a union guy I should point out, so he's probably going to expect time and a half for my re-posting his entry. (That sounds kind of hot actually.) Tell it to the shop steward there Sobotka.

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Not sure if I should post this here or in the old thread (worrying about where comments go).

The worst part about truffle oil is that it sounds like it would be good. Weren't truffles always mentioned on cartoons and sitcoms in the 80's as something rich people had? I want what rich people have because it's supposed to be better than what I have, no?

Anonymous said...

True, but at some point only rich people had cell phones and AIDS, and look how those things turned out.


That ice-cream blog....did I miss a day at school?


I think it's pretty self-explanatory.


probably would be if i were to read, yeah

Mustard said...

haha, an irishman who can read. love this kid's sense of humoUr!!

Anonymous said...

Ha. Look at that kid talk.


Hardy har! If this blog were a 90s one hit wonder it'd be Us3!

Anonymous said...


luke said...

It is kind of a one hit wonder though.

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