The jury, which had been sequestered since June 24, deliberated 16 hours and 20 minutes over two days. The six female jurors entered the quiet, tense courtroom, several looking exhausted, their faces drawn and grim. After the verdict was read, each assented, one by one, and quietly, their agreement with the verdict. NYT.
All of which is great news for anyone who ever wondered what it might’ve been like to experience the OJ Simpson trial and the Rodney King beatings in the age of social media, because you’re about to see it firsthand.
Maybe he didn’t do it, this one racist friend of mine who I didn’t know was racist until just now said on Facebook. How do you know? I guess I don’t, for sure, aside from the fact that Zimmerman stalked, confronted, and subsequently murdered a human being. I mean, I guess it’s possible, technically speaking, legal-wise, that he didn’t commit for realsies murder, so it’s cool that he walks. Real murder is when it’s a black guy doing it. Assuming Zimmerman isn’t guilty, by the way, doesnt necessarily make one racist, but, coincidentally, 100% of racists think that so go fuck yourself racist
Supporters of Trayvon Martin are taking solace that Mr. Soon-To-Be-Living-The-Rest-of-His-Short-Ass-Life-In-Agonizing-Pain Murderer here is likely to be killed, or at the very least, unable to show his face in public ever again, but no. No. No to that. That’s exactly the type of vigilante justice we’re mad about in the first place here. There’s a reason why they call it the justice system. It’s because we expect it to dispense justice. As much as these backwards-ass gun rights nuts and racist yokels want to drag the country back into the mythical Old West, we do not want to live in a world that celebrates people taking the law into their own hands. That’s the culture from which Zimmerman himself sprung. A brutal, violence-worshipping culture that right-thinking people don’t want any part of.

I disagree with the verdict but, as a criminal defense lawyer who has defended actual, guilty as shit murderers, the system that requires beyond a reasonable doubt is supposed to risk letting 10 guilty men go free rather than convicting 1innocent beimprisoned. That being said, this verdict seems to give license to half-assed wanna-be cop vigilantes
Hmm, you bring up a good point in that regard about convicting innocent people. Too bad we do that all the time anyway :/
#anonymous as a defense lawyer of all people you should know... the burden of prof is on the persecution of the person not the defense and it the political system tries to make a case in the court of public opinion and not the facts of law then a simple beat-down turns in to a case where you put your own life on the line! I am sure you watched the case and saw that the only way the court would convict is if the jury was stacked against and did not read the law in the state of confusion. But we are a country of laws and the right to stand your ground is currently the law of the land in fact it is a defense used in the neighborhoods where Black on Black crime is highest to the defense of the family's in homes. Before this law was put in place the person who was assaulted and attacker was hurt of killed had to prove that they did everything to get away from the attacker. This seems crazy... so I attack you on the street you must run away... if there is no stand your ground and defend your self... I can hit you and beat on you and even swing a bat or throw a rock at you and you must flee because you have no right to defend your self... this is what you would have us do... the streets would soon be run by thugs... wait that is what is happening in Chicago right?
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