Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Charade of Life

In case you missed it Rahm Emanuel, the President's chief of staff, got into some hot water for calling some liberal group's plans to run ads against some Democratic lawmakers "fucking retarded." Point to Rahm, there.

Always looking to make everything about herself, Sarah Palin, America's only fame-crazed snowbilly grifter immediately called for the President to fire him. The story goes on from here predictably. Rahm makes public apology, joins Special Olympics campaign to stop the use of -- I shit you not here -- "the R word." This is it. This is where we are as a country. This whole entire made up stupid thing and people are scratching their heads thinking "Hmmm, why is everything such a fucking disaster?"

I guess using the word "retarded" is probably insensitive, especially to the type of person who has a retarded child that they use as a political prop in order to rile up their right to life base, but this is Boston, damnit. Moreover, this is America. My draft-dodging dad and his hippie friends did not watch their buddies not die face down in the mud so this strumpet -- this whore -- can go out all over town demanding people stop saying the word "retard" because she had a birth defected child (which tends to happen when you get knocked up at 46).

Can you imagine a world without "retard"? How many times have you heard Artie Lange say the phrase "Ayyyy Re-Taaahhhdd?" How many times have you told Sully or Fitz to stop being a fucking tahd, kid? From birth through last week, we've all bandied the word about with reckless abandon. If you were born in the area code 508, you should be allowed to say retard and so should everybody else.

I guess this is about two things really: giving up our honored traditions as citizens of Massachusetts and pretending you're sorry when you're not. What a crock of shit. I hope the stock market tanks because of this.

**Put getting that tattoo on the List. OOOF. What a fucking retard.

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If you were born in the area code 508... young are you?


Not that young. We didn't have 508 back in our day did we?

christ on a bike said...

"Special Olympics campaign to stop the use of -- I shit you not here -- "the R word." "


wes pipes said...

Got to admit, the Cambridge liberal in me thinks it's a pretty derogatory term to use, but the Kingston townie in me thinks it just feels so natural coming off a cheap beer-burnt tongue in the woods. I think that's the essence of liberal guilt.

ffs luke said...

Everyone on Earth from Sarah Palin on up knows the difference between pointing at a short bus and saying "look at those retards" and pointing at two dudes in girl jeans and saying "look at those retards"


true. OR IS IT?


Can't say retard? That's gay.

me again said...




The 'R word' still has its power precisely because it's slightly off and you can get shit for using it.

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