Kind of tough to work out the precise balance of hatred it's acceptable to feel for an image like this one from New York Fashion Week. On the one hand you definitely want girls to know that you've spent a lot of time in New York City and that you DVR Project Runway, but on the other hand the longer you look at it the more you want crash a helicopter into your computer screen.
Here's a handy little quiz you can take to determine precisely what level asshole you are.
0 - Liar
1 - Circling the asshole drain
2 - You, sir or madame, follow pop culture at precisely the correct level. Congratulations. Go fuck yourself.
3 - Gawker Starred Commenter Level Douche
4 - It's the year 2010 dude, it's ok to come out. No one cares about that shit any more
5 - Kill yourself.
All of Them - Kill yourself, but first sign me on for one of those jobs where you hold a mirror in front of a fashion model's emaciated boobs first please. Thanks in advance.
1 - Circling the asshole drain
2 - You, sir or madame, follow pop culture at precisely the correct level. Congratulations. Go fuck yourself.
3 - Gawker Starred Commenter Level Douche
4 - It's the year 2010 dude, it's ok to come out. No one cares about that shit any more
5 - Kill yourself.
All of Them - Kill yourself, but first sign me on for one of those jobs where you hold a mirror in front of a fashion model's emaciated boobs first please. Thanks in advance.
Side note: So Sean Lennon has been banging a genie this whole time! That explains an awful lot.
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Is that Kim Jong Il in there?
I can't stop looking at the guy with the face and the hair in the back left. Look at that fellow!
Sean LENNONO before you spoiled it. also had no idea who that fuck who killed himself wuz
I never heard of that dead dude either, but that kind of sucks anyway.
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