Here's the one where I make a bunch of wild generalizations about an entire state in order to make myself feel superior to everyone else. Go read the rest at Street Carage. If you want to read the extended UK import version of the article, with extra b-sides and outtakes where I explain things a little more slowly for the kids of London who, I'm guessing, don't tune in to MSNBC on the reg, go here.
If you follow American politics at all, you’ve probably thought to yourself, “Just how stupid can this whole Tea Party thing be?” Americans are by and large reasonable, right? Few bad apples making everyone look bad isn’t it? Short answer: No. Long answer: Also no. Allow me to introduce you to Arizona. MORE
If you follow American politics at all, you’ve probably thought to yourself, “Just how stupid can this whole Tea Party thing be?” Americans are by and large reasonable, right? Few bad apples making everyone look bad isn’t it? Short answer: No. Long answer: Also no. Allow me to introduce you to Arizona. MORE
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Seinfeld references.
Yeah, I'd say they're fair game by this point again aren't they?
I don't think there's anything I can add here that wasn't covered over on the boner site.
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