Today I'm working in the office at the giant news-paper machine thing I usually write for from home in my underwear (just kidding I don't own any underwear). It's kind of weird for a couple reasons.
1) I had to set my alarm to get up this morning at 9 a.m. What am I, a lobsterman? Not having to set an alarm is the whole reason I dedicated myself to a life poverty and zero marketable job skills besides farting out words about how some dude's guitar sounds atmospheric.
2) I had to ride the train with all the commuters in the morning. Woh. People still do that? Weird. Everyone seemed bummed to be alive. I was into the novelty of it though. Look at meeee. I'm a real boy! That would get old real fast I bet.
3) Cubicles. I haven't sat in one of these... ever. It's been like six years since someone expected me to show up to an office on time every day. I couldn't even do that right.
4) I can't believe how much shitting goes on in a giant work place. There's a row of like twenty five stalls in the shitter over here. My schedule is all fucked up though since I got my timing thrown off by the commute and the lack of coffee. Fortunately there's like a roof deck to smoke dukes on. No one else really smokes. I should have gotten a gig at a newspaper next door to a time machine. The air in here would reek of smoke and gravitas and sexism, which are three things I thrive on personally. I'd probably be drunk under my desk by now too.
5) When can I leave? Not really sure. I'm just gonna sit here until some sort of horn blows. Do they still do that at jobs?
That's about it I guess. I'm not sure if this is even going to get through because I'm writing it using IE on a Dell PC. Do they have the internet yet on PCs?
PS: This keyboard is rotten with someone else's soup cracker dust and fingernail turds.
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