So there I am flipping through the old newsfeed in the morning when I see some story about Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney's daughter, possibly running for office. Senator, maybe? Anyway, in browsing through this story, there is the obligatory quote about the ticking time bomb scenario and of course the justification in that scenario to hook up some dark person's balls to a car battery. The thought of this ticking time bomb scenario is the biggest straw man argument in the world.
Never in the history of this country, ever, will that scenario come up. Ever.
Think about that scenario for a second. We've caught a terrorist (Red-handed? How do we even know he's a terrorist?) Fine, let's assume that he is. Knowing the efficiency of the federal government we process this guy then transport him to a facility somewhere where torture is currently legal. Let's say that takes a minimum of what, 10 hours maybe, depending on where we're transporting him to?
Okay, somehow after we catch and transfer him, we also know, not think, know that there is a time bomb that is literally ticking as we speak to this fellow. HOW WOULD WE FUCKING KNOW THAT?
Let's put that aside and assume we somehow know all of this. And let's also assume that in all the time that has passed this bomb still hasn't gone off. This would never, ever happen, except on a tv show. Deciding whether we should sodomize someone while making them wear women's underpants over their head and a german shepherd is ready to rip their throat out shouldn't be left to a fucking show on Fox starring the dude from Lost Boys. It just shouldn't.
Never in the history of this country, ever, will that scenario come up. Ever.
Think about that scenario for a second. We've caught a terrorist (Red-handed? How do we even know he's a terrorist?) Fine, let's assume that he is. Knowing the efficiency of the federal government we process this guy then transport him to a facility somewhere where torture is currently legal. Let's say that takes a minimum of what, 10 hours maybe, depending on where we're transporting him to?
Okay, somehow after we catch and transfer him, we also know, not think, know that there is a time bomb that is literally ticking as we speak to this fellow. HOW WOULD WE FUCKING KNOW THAT?
Let's put that aside and assume we somehow know all of this. And let's also assume that in all the time that has passed this bomb still hasn't gone off. This would never, ever happen, except on a tv show. Deciding whether we should sodomize someone while making them wear women's underpants over their head and a german shepherd is ready to rip their throat out shouldn't be left to a fucking show on Fox starring the dude from Lost Boys. It just shouldn't.
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Art imitates life. Or, wait, is it the other way around? I always forget.
shirtless saxophone is art. therefor shirtless saxophone is life.
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