Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Football to the dome always funny


Gods help me I didn't expect to laugh at this poor sap taking a football off the dome as hard as I did. I like the part where Boley doesn't even react like he's done anything wrong. If you don't want a football off the grill then you catch it, right? Simple physics.

There's only one way this could have been funnier.

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Adam said...

When I saw that last night I thought to myself, I can't wait to see that on the internet tomorrow. It's so awesome! Why did he throw it at that guys face??? I don't know but I'm glad he did.


Sometimes dudes throw it off the back wall there when they score a touchdown, but apparently homeboy didn't think this one through, or else once he'd started it in motion it was too late to stop.


put that shit on the list.....nice picture

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