This video for the song "Video Games" from Lana Del Rey, who we're all very much super in love with now, is sad and beautiful and haunting and so on and so forth, but I can't help thinking that the older I get the harder it is to take this sort of apocalyptic romance heartbreak shit seriously. IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME BACK I WILL DIE. No you won't.
I'm more interested here in the contemporary take on universal romance truths hinted at in the song. Hmm, let's see, my stunning girlfriend with the angel's voice just put on perfume and my favorite dress for me when I came over, buuuuuttttt, on the other hand, I've still got a lot of ground left to cover here in the new "Gears of War," so...
Modern romance in a nutshell. Sad to say, ladies, but love, no matter how strong, apparently can no longer compete with the goofy thrill of pretending to be an imaginary space marine blowing the shit out of aliens with your giant cannon dick. Adjust your settings accordingly.
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I suppose the songs that were like this from when I was young and dumb still can get me though. Maybe just chalk this one up to another symptom of coming down with "The Olds."
Also, reserve the right to completely reverse on this stance if my missus ever skips town.
Love the disgust in her voice in the line though. "Go play your video games."
Ugh, I'm so over extremely attractive people making great things.
Her upper lip is really creeping me out.
This shit hits too close to home. My boyfriend AND my gay boyfriends all chose gaming over me, and now they have LAN parties together while I wander the streets crazed and unloved like Paz de la Huerta.
so has skateboarding become officially for rich people/yuppies now?
i'd wager good money that this song was written by an overweight 45-year-old male.
likez it
Wait, maybe she loves him so much she doesn't mind that he's playing video game.
maybe "playing video games" is a metaphor.
SRSLY this chick should prolly find another dude and she should start over near the art school
Dude will be too busy working on his "projects" that way though innit? Can't win, birds.
Skateboarding is no longer meaningful in any meaningful cultural meaning context.
I'm laughing in a slightly bitter kinda way because you hit the nail on the head so well - my BF just bought the new GOW and I discovered this song only a couple of days before! Perhaps I should go look closer to the arts school?
I don't think art school boys are immune to video games, are they?
I don't think so, but they're also generally a little more in tune with emotions, both theirs and those of others (of course this is also a generalisation). There's nothing wrong with boys playing video games, but there is a time and a place, I guess making the distinction between time when you're supposed to be spending quality time with another human being and time when you can do your own thing is the issue.
The only thing that kills my boner faster than an emotional boy is seeing my bf in sweatpants shouting "zerglings" into a microphone at his gaming chair. So really, he's the victim here.
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