Monday, September 19, 2011

'The Malls of Dubai' is the apotheosis of internettiness

This video "The Malls of Dubai," made by a nice brown fellow named Rohit, has everything that makes the internet so internetty: awful auto-tuning, super budeget-ass graphic editing chops, confused cultural cross-polination, casual racism (ching-chong China!), a charmingly innocuous dork-star who probably didn't plan on being sucked up into the industrial strength shit-vacuum of lulzy internet culture, and lots of t-shirt changes. So many t-shirts. 

As with everything else ever put online, whether it's previous vapid-wave viral hits, the reporting of actual news outlets, or literally every word I've ever personally written, I'm not sure whether or not it's meant to be taken seriously, or if it's just a big fucking joke. Unpacking the layers of cultural complexity here would take an expert in semiotics, which, fortunately, I happen to be. You know how it's funny when you paste something into an online translation program from English to, like, Russian, then translate that into Hungarian, then to Spanish, then back to English? That's what's going on in this video here. Only, like I said, more t-shirts. 

Pro-tip: I like the part where he reminds you that walking around the mall takes a long time, so plan ahead.

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haha. malls.


I'm going to put together a tape called The Malls of Kingston, and it's going to feature footage of Dan and Thad waxing down the Toys R Us curbs.


Actually, that footage probably exists somewhere in one of our parents basements in some dusty old video recorder.

Anonymous said...

if you put in an ibn buttuta reference you know dude is serrious

Anonymous said...

What is that?

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