Friday, September 9, 2011

STFU Parents and our obsession with baby balls

STFU Parents is one of my favorite sources for daily head-explosions. (I interviewed them about how parents are fucking insane a while back here.) Recently they have been writing a lot about the curious need some parents have to talk about the size of their children's penises in public. Naturally, that made me think about the whole Tom Brady baby penis saga. In fairness though, everything makes me think about Tom Brady's penis.

The point is, we just can't get enough baby dicks! now apparently.

STFUP writes:
This week over at Mommyish my column is about something I’ve discussed several times on the blog before: manhood. And by “manhood” I mean “parents who post about their kid’s junk.” What is it about our society that compels moms and dads to talk about their son’s genitalia? As points out, it would sound pret-ty weird for parents to talk about their daughters in the same way, and yet penis chatter is markedly common.
Whether it’s a photograph, an unexpected incident or just a casual observation that prompts parents to update Facebook about their kid’s package, submissions are popping up showing up in my inbox on the regular. So today I thought I’d unload (ew) some of those submissions for you guys and showcase even more examples of “manhood” topics that parents should just keep offline.
There's some truly ball shriveling stuff posted at the site. Baby-ball shriveling I guess I should say. Baby balls. Can't stop saying that. A couple examples after the jump. Go check out the site for a literally endless supply of embarrassment.

This one kind of has a point, you have to admit. Poopy balls are pretty disgusting. Just ask this dude.

Nice... just like his father..... Nice... just like his father..... Nice... just like his father..... Nice... just like his father..... Nice... just like his father..... Nice... just like his father.....

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Anonymous said...

Raj and his Yeti jokes, they never get old.


I happen to know there's a little Martyn on the way.

Anonymous said...

Shit Balls, Jr.


Bwahaha. That would be such a great name for a kid.


Thanks for ruining my day with your poopy balls.

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