"Uh, I'm working now. Can't really hang out." *shuts laptop nervously*
"Oh, you have a blog? I have a blog." Then she made me Google and we watched it together. Then I did some serious soul-searching about how I spend my free time.
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I hate myself for asking this, and I look forward to hearing this song at THROWED on Tuesday....but, since you are the foremost authority on this, what's up with homegirl being pregnant with twins? 'member that? Wha' happen?
an hour later and I'm following this shit from Sgt. D's tumblr.
Holiday Weekend. No need to get up Monday.
Woh, never heard that rumor.
Yeah, I'm down with Lil Debbie for sure.
Yeah, I read that on this sameself blog of yours!
"How can I get signed? I'm pregnant with twins!" she wrote on Twitter (@KREAYSHAWN).
Weird. I have no recollection. Of anything. Ever.
she was joking! that was an off the cuff response/joke denial about getting signed!!
Luke, I had no idea that you were black...or am I missing something?
this video kills......me...over and over again.
Thanks Harlen, I have no sense of Kreayshawn's humor. About anything. Ever.
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