Oh man, nothing I like more than to sleep in late on Sunday, then get 12 people together to all meet in some inconvenient place to wait in line for 100 minutes so we can sit in some crowded ass restaurant and get a plate full of garlicky mashed carbs and some hollandaise sauce (itself on the list as its alter-ego "mayo" below).
This is pretty exciting stuff! Let's make sure we put on our best sweatpants, and cleanest 5K Fun Run t-shirt!
Maybe next time you want to "meet up for breakfast" you can just sack up and brew a pot of coffee and pick up a dozen eggs to recreate this awesome gastronomical experience at home and leave "going out" business to where it belongs: the evening.
This is pretty exciting stuff! Let's make sure we put on our best sweatpants, and cleanest 5K Fun Run t-shirt!
Maybe next time you want to "meet up for breakfast" you can just sack up and brew a pot of coffee and pick up a dozen eggs to recreate this awesome gastronomical experience at home and leave "going out" business to where it belongs: the evening.
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Even worse than paying for f***ing overpriced eggs (12 cents each at the store) is making plans and coordinating with 11 of your pals to meet at Sorella's in JP or the Neighborhood in Somerville when you live in Brighton without a car. Brunch can... suck it. It all ends up in the bowl right quick after those 12 'Gansetts last night anyway. This post FTW.
could i get a glass of water? me too! oh yeah, me too. and a coffee. and some water. could i get some water too? you mind if we push these 3 tables together? also, could i get a glass of water. top of the list, brunch. also, this is my bit. a wedding for your breakfast, etc. etc.
is brunch already on here somewhere?
It's prolly somewhere back on the original list before it became on a boat. but who cares, it bears repeating, plus this blog needs some more grist for ol' unique visitor mill innit.
Also, trying to get more than 4 people together for a meal anywhere, anytime is on the list, which inevitably leads to some assbag trying to split the check according to who got what, which is so on the list it's.... I dunno, totally on the list or something
All of which you spake is verily so.
Probably hit our 50,000th page view by tomorrow I'd say. 49,707 at the moment. All of what I just said is deep, deeeeeep down on the List.
What's really on the list here is the term "brunch" having to include a gathering at a destination outside one's own abodes. When I crawl out of bed and reheat Chinese food at 11:30am on a Saturday, well that there's brunch, kids.
so really it just comes down to -- like everything else here -- going out. seeing people. doing things.
"...leave 'going out' business to where it belongs: the evening."
you misspelled "never."
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