Couldn't they have built that spiral staircase of balcony pools just a few feet closer to the left so the gentle folk could step out onto their back porch every morning and literally piss on those slum savages' heads? Just a thought.
image from here.
image from here.
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Myth of "class mobility"
Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps you lazy bum. Just like all these other rich guys did.
I'm worried if i pull myself up too high, Obammer's gonna whack me with the Rich Person Tax!
As long as we can make sure poor people can't go to the doctor I'll be happy.
I cannot solve your problems, sir, only you can.
Class mobility's no myth. I've been able to move downward quite freely.
On the plus side if one of those poor blokes goes nuts and aquires a high powered rifle with a good scope, then we will all have some fun during the 6 o'clock news.
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