In no particular order, the worst people in the history of the world:
- War profiteers
- Child molesters
- War profiteering child molesters (not as easy as it sounds)
- Dudes who molested future war profiteers when they were kids making them so fucked up they had no choice but to get into the war profiteering business to show their dad what's what and who's gonna show who
- Nouveau-riche guidos from New York really into cars and sneakers and getting pussy, bro
Ugh, these dudes are like breathing, face-farting Michael Bay explosions on wheels (with spinning rims).
It's the essence of this shitty American aspirational lifestyle nightmare we're living through right now. Makes a TMZ segment on the octomom's puffy nipples look like "Bill Moyers Journal."
If buying a bunch of shitty properties then trying to flip them for a huge profit were a scripted comedy, it would be "Entourage." If taking a cell phone pic of your pecs in the mirror at the gym were a scripted comedy, it would be Entourage. If the List were distilled into a really shitty grain alcohol that makes you blind, then mixed with Red Bull, then pissed out onto your face by a taint-waxing abortion with an Ed Hardy cap on, (is that still a thing?) it would be "Entourage."
It is funny when that one short guy swears though.
Also on the List? Hating Entourage too much. But just to be safe we thought we'd err on the side of cunt-punting.
Side note: All things considered, a Google image search for "head wound" isn't anywhere near as bad as you might think it's going to be.

It's about time someone took Entourage to task. Far too many glowing reviews of that show lately.
yeah yeah yeah. little late on this one.
is it ere or err?
fixed. i think.
Never watched it.
It looks faggy.
Those blokes would all end up on the wrong end of an asskicking in my old hood.
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