Sunday, May 13, 2012

Having a shitty mom would be weird (repost)

That would be weird, right? Mother's Day is stupid on a lot of levels, all of which revolve around buying worthless shit, having brunch, being in any kind of gift store, and feeling obligated to do things, all of the same stuff that make every other holiday a waste of time. But unlike, say, Christmas, or St. Patrick's Day, or Valetine's Day, or birthdays, I can actually get behind the premise here, which is telling your mom thanks for not murdering you in the crib, or any of a thousand other times over the course of growing up you made her life a miserable hell. Not me, mind you.  I was a golden boy, but the rest of you litttle shits probably had it coming.

So, I guess I won't really complain about Mother's Day on here,  mostly because Mary Anne is a goddamned saint. No really, look at this article about her quilting business she does.  Plus her and Bobby were totally hot in the 8tz, right? Bobby will have to tell her about this post next time he checks in though, since, as she told me today, "I don't look at your blog. I don't think it's meant for the mothers." 

Not ones like you, ma. Just the shitty ones. 

PS: Check out that vintage t-shirt Bobby's rocking up there. I should probably submit some of their old photos to . 

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Anonymous said...

can't read the shirt. What's it say?

Anonymous said...

also your mom is a fox...okay i'll stop reading your blog now


I'm not sure what the shirt says. Yeah, she was hot yo.

Bobby said...

The shirt says HIGH ANXIETY...the prettiest girl I ever saw...I'm just glad she was into the Serpico look.


Haha, you do have the Pacino thing going on. High Anxiety? Probably from all that speed in the 70tz.

Bobby said...

It was a promotional shirt for a Mel Brooks speed for was strictly blow to get up and ludes to come quote Rocky " I invented it a dinner one night".


I love your mom's comment about the blog. :)


I thought that was Chuck Norris.


Bobby O'Neil innit? Good man. Taught me how to get in shape and be a funny bastard. Only two things I was ever much good at. Life lessons on how to be a responsible, useful man around the house didn't really stick though.


tickles the ivories might good too, don't he?

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