Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Caring About a Musician's Personality

I was just thinking about that Kanye West awards show thing, because apparently I'm an empty vessel capable and willing to let even the most irrelevant pop culture nonsense take over my half-functioning brain for hours at a time (aka an American). So I started to get angry. Not because Kanye West is a monumentally self-important douche of the highest order, the very personification of the List, one that makes our boy the wolf up there drool in anticipation for the day he can close his ravenous maw upon this guy's entitled illiterate face. No not because of that. That's like being mad at the sun for shining, or at a new mother for expecting the entire world to revolve around her brat kids.

The people really deserving of scorn here are the ones who've decided to revoke their Kanye West fanhood because he acted like a dick on the teevee. How is this even remotely relevant to the quality of his music (occasionally decent, at best, by the way)? What kind of make pretend land do these people live in?

On a related note, what do you think the general personality disposition of the guy who built the chair you're sitting in right now is, because that's exactly as meaningful as any musician's. How about the Chinese slave baby that stitched your jeans? Probably not too much fun at parties I'm guessing. Hard to talk to. Sort of grumpy all the time.

A song and a chair are both simply things you use. Stop worrying about whether or not Beyonce is a class act, or if Justin Timberlake would be a fun dude to shoot nine holes with, then grab a beer or two, then maybe just go back to his place and relax, listen to some beats he's working on, I don't know, go hang by the pool, bbq up some ribs, lay out in the sun or whatever, maybe see if he's feeling tense from the long day and needs a massage. Shit like that everyone thinks about every day all the time. It has no bearing whatsoever on the quality of the person's work. Here's all you need to know: Can I dance to it? Can I sit on it? Can I use it to cover up my ass? Done deal. Those are also, incidentally, the questions I ask myself when meeting a potential girlfriend for the first time.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

little 'uppity' wasn't he?

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