Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Twilight Ruined Vampires"

Because magic romance zombies in goth makeup and three hundred year old assless chaps were so on point before the kids got into them? Did mean old Michael Bay touch you in the nostalgic private pee pee area with his Transformers movie too? Is nothing sacred if our silly childhood monsters can't be kept out of the hands of actual children?

Complaining about something like this is like being upset that Jon Gosselin and Kevin Federline ruined Ed Hardy t-shirts for you. Being into something that brown before it gets big is exactly as goofy as being into after the fact. Maybe worse.

Oh word, you were ridiculous a few months before millions of other people were ridiculous in the same way? That's funny that you say that, because I was just thinking you seemed like a boring cunt with shitty taste.

Then again it's probably my bad for putting myself in a position to actually read websites where people complain about the state of vampires and cartoon toy movies all the time, so let's just go ahead and put me back on the List for a five minute penalty and call this one even.


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Zoe said...

Shouldn't Twilight be on the list before people who complain about Twilight? Maybe it was already on the list and I missed it.

But yeah, I think people complain about Twilight not just because the vampires in it sparkle and attend high school biology classes (ugh) but because adult women actually like it, it's not like Sweet Valley High or R.L. Stine or something where you are sure that the age of the average reader stops at 12. Twilight is being read by adults who should know better, and that inspires hatred.


I think Vampires are on the List here somewhere. I think people who complain about something stupid being ruined by other stupid people are worse than people just going about their own normal stupid lives. /self aware


Ed Hardy shirts aren't cool?


Maybe I should run a correction on that bit.


Best picture I've ever seen:


Knowing people who could even remotely utter "Twilight ruined vampires."

Pumpkin Squash said...

I know, right? And yet they exist in massive numbers.


If anything, vampires ruined Twilight.



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