Tomorrow marks an important date in the official part of my summer, for I am going "down the Cape." For those not in the know, the Cape is a beach-type stretch of land, somewhere near Florida and Jamaica Plain. Like Jamaica Plain, it is only easily accessible by rocket ship or helicopter. However, in today's economic climate, I've access to neither. So I hope my '97 Toyota will be up for the challenge. Luckily, that will give the lady and I a few solid hours to argue about the temperature in the car as well as discuss which of our friends we are better than. But all is not lost, after the 12-13 hour drive, we will find ourselves in a magical, amazing place. Sure, the poor townies who stick it out on the cape all fucking year will treat us like shit, but come on, these are people that ride the bus and hit up Joe Kennedy for help with the heating bill. Not likely to run into any of them in our little bubble, are we? Anyway, enjoy the last week of summer dickheads.

Oof, the bus. Feel like we haven't covered that sideshow of horrors enough.
What a relaxing weekend. Going down to the Cape is like following a flood refugees out of Kandahar or some shit.
Next summer, Ferry rides need to make it on the list. (Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, or Block the fuck Island or wherever)
don't you just scoot past all the traffic on those dealios?
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