What's this thing that people still do where they come up to a greet a group they know and shake everyone's hand but the woman's? I know like ten thousand years ago Moses discovered the first menstruating broad and decided women had black magic in their vaginas, but I'm pretty sure they've debunked that idea everywhere but in the Middle East and Walmart parking lots by this point. (Although I've got a few tests I still need to run.)
Go ahead and shake the woman's hand. It's ok there Lennie, you're not gonna accidentally snap her little bird bones. She's not gonna trick you into marrying her somehow over the span of a handshake. (That takes like a year and a half at least.) If you're really that worried about it just go ahead and pray extra hard tonight in bed right after god finishes watching your masturbate.

hmm, i guess everyone here hates women then. never mind.
You are putting all the burden on the shaker what about the shakee?
is it any less awkward when you go to shake a girls hand and there is a pause which could mean any number of things but is most likely why exactly are you trying to touch me buddy? At the end of the day though its pretty damn rude to obviously exclude someone in a group for any reason. So I suppose you might as well suck it up and try to shake everyones hand. Or stop shaking hands all together as some crackpots have been trying to instigate.
I agree. Women often aren't taught that this is a thing they are supposed to do, so they usually have these limp dead fish handshakes that are just awkward to touch. But if you're gonna shake hands with a dude, shake hands with his girl too, or neither.
Also, I sometimes don't do this because of the reasons you mention.
honestly that entire comment was merely a vehicle for the word shakee.
I've gotten the shakees a few late nights myself I must admit.
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