haha, look at those guys go!
Our mothers used to tell us all sorts of made up shit didn't they? Stuff like "You can do whatever you set your mind to if you try hard enough." or "That man is your father." You know, mother stuff.
Remember the thing she used to say about making weird faces all the time? "If you keep making that weird face it's gonna get stuck like that." Total bullshit, of course, but pretty sound logic all the same. The essence of that theory is basically what's going on behind bowling.
It's ok, this sort of thing happens all the time. You start off doing something because it's funny or ironic. You're not playing kick ball, you're playing "Kick Ball." You're not a fat American pig with no self control, you're a "Fat American Pig With No Self Control." Or maybe you're "Drinking Yourself To Sleep Every Night To Dull The Pain." It's funny that way, see?
Next thing you know inertia and habit take over and all of a sudden you've actually become something ridiculous you never intended to be like a regular bowler, or a software salesman, or a parent or a person from Boston. A few years back I started adopting ironic Massachusetts townie slang, because, haha, people like that sound stupid. Woops. Now I say "What's up kiiiiiiid" when my grandmother calls on the phone and let it slip to my boss how fucking retarded I got at the bar last night.
Another example: My friends and I started doing this thing years ago where we would make the most obvious cliche comment in any given scenario -- a "that's what she said" type crack -- in this weird ogre-doing-stand-up voice. Then we started to have entire conversations in that voice. Then after a while of adjusting to how comforting it can be to say the first stupid thing that comes to mind, we forgot what it was like to have a regular conversation. Now we're not ironic about our stupidity, we're just stupid. Ironic.
Turns out mom was right when she said "If you keep making that weird face it's gonna get stuck like that." Except by face she meant life.
Anyway, have fun "Bowling."

bullshit, o'neill
prove it
Bowling rules, fascist.
this is my life.
I went bowling last night. Beats livin'.
Bowling for a living sounds pretty good actually.
Bowling would be fine if it didn't cost 247 dollars to do it. It's just rolling a big ball on the floor as an excuse to drink. I don't need an excuse to drink so I'd really rather just go to a bar that doesn't use black lights.
I bowl almost every week kiiid! it's wicked Retadded!
What I ever did to offend this guy I have no idea.
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