Sunday, August 15, 2010


Our man On the List dontcallmepaddy wrote in to ask if that post down there VVVVV,  the God hates your tears one, was inspired by this video by any chance?

Short answer: no. Long answer: yes. 

This video has been making the rounds of the internets lately, and one of the most frequent things you'll read in the comments -- if you are stupid enough to subject yourself to something so brain-meltingly atrocious as a You Tube comment thread -- is that these street toughs/human baseball domes are pretty much the epitome of Beantown, as no one calls it.  Now as a certified Boston-hammer, I could get my mind-scrotum tied into also sorts of knots trying to argue that we're really not all like that here, that Boston is a pretty civilized and safe city with the best schoolzzz and hospitallzzz and so on. But you know what? That would be a lie. This shit pretty much captures Boston perfectly. Thanks for making it official, Chinatown car-hating night-retards, you've illustrated to the rest of the world just what a shitburgh provincial backwater this city really is.

Not so fast every other city in the world.

p.s. Is the gonzo auteur filming this shit literally cumming in his pants every time Sully or Fitzy gets one off the cranium here? Because that's sort of weird. Also, add this to the List: the sound of a metal baseball bat smashing into a human face.

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boston said...


Anonymous said...


Jozstralia said...


Jozzington said...

Meanwhile some stoner in Allston is thinking of cheesecake.

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