Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shorts (part 3)

What have I been telling you guys about shorts forever now? When god and neighbor alike can see your calf hair flowing in the breeze, everyone loses.

But wait a second, Luke, you might be thinking to yourself. Isn't that you wearing a pair of jorts in this picture below? To which I say: If I got some goofy tattoos, had a fucked up coffee table, some weird scratches on my leg and was eating a frozen sugar bar would you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

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Put a snake tatoo on that calf dude!


That would be totally bad ass.


a wolf spirit with a native american headdress would be much more bad ass.


you just gave me an idea.

Anonymous said...

Leg tattoos might be (are) a problem.


Leg tattoos are on the List, if that's what you mean.

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