Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Internet vs. George Tierney

Seems like there's a new internet racist/sexist of the week just about, uh, every week. The past two days we're all talking about a man named George Tierney. Justin Glawe has a quick summary for us below of what happens when mommy and daddy hate one man very, very much, and they give birth to a viral internet asshole baby, which you definitely need to know about because the fact that someone, somewhere is a sexist, racist douche is news.

Somewhat unintentionally, has become the voice of his generation -- an ignorant, xenophobic and internet illiterate generation. It all started with this post by Tbogg on FireDogLake which was updated with this hilarious gem .

In reality, he's probably saying things that a lot of #tcot folks wish they could but can't because they're slightly less blatantly racist/homophobic/sexist/just plain crazy.

There's no chance this guy will become the next Joe the Plumber or be defended by the Becks and Limbaughs of the world. If he only refrained from dropping the , and had showed some restraint by, you know, he might have had a shot and possibly a job working for Beck's conspiracy theory-filled website.

Now, there's no going back for George Tierney.

Yesterday he cancelled his Twitter account, but re-activated it today. For the better part of Tuesday his avatar was an egg, but a photo of himself, for some reason, was visible on his profile's background.  

By 5 p.m. tweeting back to people was pretty . Just before 4, Fluke tried to . Good luck with that.

What's been lost in all this back-and-forth between Tierney and the people hell-bent on proving his idiocy is that, well, maybe this guy really is honest-to-goodness stupid. At some point, it all starts to feel too easy.

A bunch of people who spend all day on the internet are firing a barrage of word-bullets at some guy who doesn't even understand how this thing works. And he's shooting back with whatever he can muster. It's not pretty to watch a man get pilloried in the internet public square, but maybe Tierney should have thought about that before he chose to be born stupid, just like Fluke and Obama chose to be born as you know whats.


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Texas Joe said...

Ha. He called someone Dick Smack.


Ha indeed.

Jesus, this guy's face. If I had to imagine his face before I saw it it would look exactly like that. I should be a police sketch guy but we're trying to track down racists with burnt looking douche-faces.

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