Monday, August 1, 2011

Expectant parents can now add their unborn child to friends and family

I knew if I sat here holding my breath long enough and not posting someone would send me something rage-worthy, like Emily over at , who arrived just in the nick of time with this bundle of joy .

“Facebook’s can reveal their soon-to-be bundles of joy by updating the “Friends and Family” section of their profiles to include an “Expected:Child.” Parents can also choose to add a photo, the name of the unborn child and a due date.”

Oh no. Oh wow. But mostly oh no. Annoying, oversharing parents on FB aside, here are my immediate thoughts:

What if something happens? Is that an update? Remember when having to end your relationship on Facebook was bad?

What if your employer finds out that way before you tell them?

Is there an option for not pregnant yet, but having sex with intent to concieve?

This could be used to severely freak dudes the fuck out. Oh, did we just have a fight? Well guess what, I’m fake pregnant with your nonexistent child on Facebook. What now.


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luke said...


(17 people like this)

this guy said...

Can't really see how this could have a down side.


My unborn fetus started posting too many links to HuffPo articles, so I had to block its posts from my news feed.

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