Friday, August 12, 2011

In which I am used as an expert source in the "prick" field on CNN

Remember when I was complaining about birthdays on Facebook the other day here. And also here that other time come to think of it? CNN called me to interview me about why I'm such a prick (basically). Here's the article by a nice young reporter named Meagan Choi.  . I can't really talk about it too much now since I'm in Aruba, and I don't know how to internet in Dutch, but here's what I said after the jump. 

Not sure why she said I'm 34 by the way, since I'm a ripe young 27 at best. Except where it counts, right fellas? 

PS: go check out the comments on that story. Sheeeessshhhhhhh. The internet, huh? How about it?

Luke O'Neil of Watertown, Massachusetts, doesn't mind being buried with online birthday greetings. But he thinks Facebook, with its popularity-contest dynamics, encourages some people to send birthday wishes for the sake of electronic appearances -- not out of sincerity.

"We just want to be seen at these virtual parties," said O'Neil, 34. "It's like stopping (at a party) and saying, 'I just wanted to say, happy birthday,' but it takes much less effort."

Though O'Neil says he gets "annoyed" at birthday messages from near-strangers, he admits there's still a sort of gratification at being recognized. "I couldn't help but think, 'The only thing worse than this would be if no one had said anything.' "

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LoveTheCool said...

Getting poked is way more annoying. Especially, I suppose, if you're a straight guy getting poked by another dude. That's sucks more than the phony birthday greetings.

Anonymous said...

Here's a tip: if you only friend your real friends and not "near-strangers", then perhaps you won't be so annoyed ...

luke said...

If I kept facebook to my only friends, I might as well just yell across the apartment to my lady every time I thought of something pithy to say.

Anonymous said...

If I could poke everybody every day I would. What's better than being poked?

Tony Shararagus said...

Everything on Facebook is equally annoying.

luke said...

Maybe so, but I really enjoy using Facebook on the whole.

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