Goddammit Blogger, you picked a bad week to have a bug in the embedding videos code, especially with gold I could be posting, arriving to lay waste to the crowded biggest-piece-of-shit-song-of-the-month field. And you thought the hot new trend in awful music was for the swag to get younger and younger? Guess again. Dad Rap is here.
"There is a lot of competition these days to make the worst high budget song ever," my man Aaron P said, who I have to thank/blame for sharing this. I like the part where he brags about the quality health care he has at his disposal in between rented stripper booty shots and car porn. "You got to be fucking kidding me, this dude has proper flow," Evan K said. "Whoa, live show! He is all about unity, socially concious. Dude is the next Q-tip but with an AARP card."
"There is a lot of competition these days to make the worst high budget song ever," my man Aaron P said, who I have to thank/blame for sharing this. I like the part where he brags about the quality health care he has at his disposal in between rented stripper booty shots and car porn. "You got to be fucking kidding me, this dude has proper flow," Evan K said. "Whoa, live show! He is all about unity, socially concious. Dude is the next Q-tip but with an AARP card."
Tyler L sent this video over, called , which I was expecting to turn out to be a Funny or Die spoof the whole time. It's over and I still sort of am. This shit is just one flaming sword-wielding soldier rappelling out of a helicopter to fight a dragon short of Army Recruitment video territory, except it's about people who make millions of dollars moving imaginary numbers from one column to another. DANGEROUS SHIT. "I'm pretty sure that Disturbed song in those Army/Navy ads accounted for a 45% increase in recruiting (and a 72% increase in nu-metal boners)," Tyler said, which is funny, but also points out that he knows what a Disturbed song is.
Here's the gravelly voiceover from the clip.

I give this video one thumbs down and two giant fuck yous. Next?