A big part of the appeal of dubstep, or any controversial sub-genre of contemporary pop music, is that old people are confused and threatened by it. I wrote about that a bit more in depth here. This perpetuates the endlessly renewable pattern of the musical generational divide wherein kids can carve out a unique, inscrutable identity from their parents, and the old can continue to remain scared shitless by the obnoxious little fuckers. Skrillex, no dummy, understands that, which is why it was the underlying metaphor of his "Equinox" video. Kids be scary, y'all.
In his new video "Bangarang" he goes back to that well once again, with another reminder that teenagers are monstrous little demons who will fuck you up and make off with your shit the first chance they get their sticky ice-cream'd hands on it.
Bonus points for a literal illustration of the proper way to dance to dubstep here, which is to make like an ice cream truck guy who just got electrocuted and slipped on a street full of marbles.
Meanwhile, our girl Kickball Katy, aka La Sera, aka the hot one out of Vivian Girls, who I know you perverts <3 (via all the searches for "Kickball Katy naked/bikini" that lead to this site) has a new video for her song "Please Be My Third Eye."I think the central metaphor of this one is about her experience growing up in the late nineties vibing to Third Eye Blind. Or maybe it's just that her bangs are really hard to look away from. Either way it's fun, I have a crush on it/her, but I'm a male music writer, so there was about a 99% likelihood that that would be the case.
Yo wait, why did I just focus on the female singer's looks while I spent a lot of time talking "seriously" about the male one? Life isn't fair is why. Apologies to Maura Johnston, who is 100% correct in this piece How Not to Write About Female Musicians.
Here's the new video for Diplo's "Go" via Rolling Stone. Is it any good? I can't say really, because the ad before it was too annoying to sit through and I haven't watched it yet. We may never know the answer.
Here's a new one frmo David Guetta, Nicky Romero and Sia. OK FINE DAVID GUETTA AND DIPLO ARE BANGABLE AND CUTE. Call it even?
Here's the new video for Diplo's "Go" via Rolling Stone. Is it any good? I can't say really, because the ad before it was too annoying to sit through and I haven't watched it yet. We may never know the answer.
Here's a new one frmo David Guetta, Nicky Romero and Sia. OK FINE DAVID GUETTA AND DIPLO ARE BANGABLE AND CUTE. Call it even?
What else? Let's see... in the Globe today I have a feature on Boston electronic producer Andre Obin. Check out one of his releases, "Lemondrop" including a remix from my favie Canadian twee chillwave nerd, Teen Daze. I can't embed it for some reason, here's the link to his SoundCloud.
I also reviewed the new EP from a young local cat called Atwell Baker that's on some glitchy hip hop chill vibes. It's not online yet, but check out some of the associated remixes below.

hook was a really good movie
Ha. Yes it was. I've just been allerted to the following information from a girl from the 9tz:
reasons skrillex new video is an homage to the CLASSIC 90s film "Hook"
1. it has a line about "lost boys"
2. it has the line bangarang (BANGARANG is what the boys say in the film)
3. the boys use marbles to trick the adult dude like how they do in hook
4. the ice cream man has a hook at the end of video
5 ice cream man has a hook mustache too!!!!!
Fits the theme though dunnit? Lost Boys fucking up old dudes right? Never grow old. Wait is that Peter Pan or the actual movie Lost Boys?
"Join us Michael. You'll never grow old, and you'll never die." Can I get the 9ts judge to rule on that?
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