Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where do Chris Brown's crimes stack up against other Grammy nominees and performers?

You know how sometimes people just have one of those punchable faces?

It's been a whole two years since Karmin's chief songwriter Chris Brown mercilessly and repeatedly smashed his little munchkin fists into the beautiful face of his girlfriend Rihanna -- who was probably asking for it considering the way she was dressed, right -- and yet everyone is still making a big deal over it now that he's set to lip sync in front of the nation on the Grammys tonight. 

What's the big deal? It's not like he's shown any further signs of being continuously unhinged and violent. Can't everyone just get over it? After all, Mel Gibson proved himself a dangerously unhinged, racist, violent pig, and we still all go to see his movies every day all the time and love him. Charlie Sheen shot at one of his girlfriends with a gun, and then beat the shit out of a few kilos of porny coke pussy, or was it cokey porn pussy?,  and he's still a big famous star whose work we revere and very much respect. Michael Vick murdered dozens of harmless little cartoon puppies whose ability to not get their tits ripped off by other dogs displeased him, and we awarded his team the prized "second place in the NFC East Division" award, right? 

It's all much ado about nothing. If we each can't brutalize our women, get slapped on the wrist with a few months of community service, act like we're the ones who were somehow wronged, and then return to the adoring glare of the national entertainment spotlight within two awards show cycles, then it's a slippery slope to fascism my friends. Freedom aint free. And neither is love, which is why you have to pay for it sometimes with karate chops to the throat in order to get your point across.

Just ask this retarded person whose when looking for an explanation for why everyone is still so butthurt over this littler misunderstanding.
It's been 2 year... and people still wont get over it! This situation is the reason why there's so many Chris Borwn haters. Omg.. one time I was at my grandma's house, and we were playing "No BS" by Chris Brown. And then my grandma came outta nowhere like: "Why are y'all listening to that Woman Beater?" Wtf? There are MILLIONS of men who beat up women in the world. Plus, I personally think Rihanna told Chris Brown to punch her. Hey, when I listened to her song: "S&M", she states: "Now the pain is my pleasure, cause nothing could measure." Also, I remember hearing on the news that Rihanna says that she likes pain, and even being chained up is fun. If she likes pain, doesn't that mean she made Chris Brown punch her, and then frame him for it? Eh...
I'm inclined to agree. With anything. 

And besides, Brown is hardly the biggest offended to be nominated for an award or invited to perform at this year's Grammys. Here are a few of the other notable miscreants and their chief offenses: 

Bruno Mars: Arrested on a recent coke bust. Wears that one hat a little too much if you ask me. 

Adele: Ate all of the chicken wings. (Because she's a bit plump, you see LOL)

Katy Perry: Recently married to a known drug addict and fornicator. 

Paul McCartney: Wrote that one 9/11 song "Freedom" and expected us to like it. Palled around with noted wife-beater John Lennon. 

Skrillex: Made us talk about dubstep all year.

Foo Fighters: Killed Kurt Cobain. (Probably.) Spent a little too much time around Courtney Love either way, which has to count for at least a misdemeanor or two. 

Taylor Swift: Still criminally unaware that I exist. 

Whitney Houston's coke ghost: Ruined my Twitter feed today.

The Beach Boys, reuniting for their first appearance in two decades with Foster The People and Maroon 5: Agreed to reunite for their first appearance in two decades with Foster The People and Maroon 5. 

Coldplay: Is Coldplay. 

Bon Iver: Kept this bearded pussy thing going at least one more buzz cycle.

Nicki Minaj: That one retarded thing she does with her voice is going to be haunting shitty rehash acts for years to come. Unacceptable. 

Jeff Beck: Continued to make music long enough that ancient Grammy voters still somehow manage to nominate him for Best Rock Album 

Best Contemporary Classical Composition nominee George Crumb: Knows what he did. 

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speeding ticket < CB's crimes < nazi germany

pretty sure that's a fairly safe statement.


I don't see a flaw in that logic.

niccolo and donkey said...

Chris Brown is garbage and Rihanna is even worse. Their music is a crime against audio and they both have VD.


Grammys performances are always great because they remind us how important acrobatics have always been in the creation of music.


If Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins were chicks, and didn't have beards, and were like 10 years younger, I'd be like, woh, sisters. Hot.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to beat Whitney's corpse. My fists would get high as shit.

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