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I was working on a Valentine's Day story for the Gl0b3 about the crazy things people do for love, but then it wasn't that great of an idea, and it fell apart and I didn't do it. Most people I asked (I asked a lot) were like "Eh, nothing really", or "I can't share that shit in a newspaper."
I was just going to let it go, but here I am without anything to write about today, and you've got to feed the content monkey, so... Below are a couple of the halfway decent responses I got. These four are all from women, because ladies be tripping, right fellas? All sorts of potions and shit in their bathroom cabinets.
What did you do for ♥ that you're embarrassed by? SHARE IT IN THE COMMENTS MAYBE?!
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The Beverly Cleary is the creepiest part
A few years ago I was cheating on my sociopath boyfriend, and one day the guy I was cheating with got asked out by another girl. I was all, “go for it, we’re not DATING or anything!” But I’m insane and got jealous. I joked that I would come on the date with them, and he dared me to. I decided that I should wear a disguise, so I gave myself bangs, and applied makeup so it looked like I had a hideous black eye.
I showed up alone, wearing sunglasses and carrying a copy of Beverly Cleary’s “The Luckiest Girl.” His date understandably ditched him because he was acting like a weirdo the entire time, so the two of us got beers together and I realized that the guy who you give yourself a black eye for is the one you really love.
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This particular lady missed the part where I said it was for a family newspaper.
Fortunately for me now I'm a married lady, happy, but before these days I used to run with a rather...er....questionable bunch of dealers, and one that I used to be involved with (this is a while ago), constantly got arrested for a variety of things, usually for selling, or gun possession, and of course the occasional assault and battery. But between us, the sex was amazing, it was that kind of "oh my god the sex is like heroin I'll do anything to keep it from....stopping", so I constantly bailed this guy out.
The final straw essentially and the biggest thing I did, was basically take three subways to his brother's house in Flatbush BK, and drive the car that they were searching for, to a chop shop in The Bronx, so that no trace of the car could be found (as they were using this to transport pounds of weed and coke and crack). So at 2 am one very cold NYC evening, I did just that. Two subway rides and three bus rides later, I went to his father's house, got the keys, took off the plates, drove it to the Bronx, where it was made into shrapnel, got in a taxi and prayed for my life. Decided that two days later, I'd kind of had enough and broke it off. Thank heavens, no one ever traced any of this back to me, but the dude couldn't stay out of trouble and he was put in Rikers for about four months before being deported.
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Yeah, don't tell anyone that again. Ever. This one kind of made me hungry.
Shortly after I graduated from college I found myself living in Allston with six roommates, several cats, a part-time blogging job and no romantic prospects on the horizon. So when I met an incredibly good looking guy at a party, I didn't waste any time trying to get him to notice me. Turns out, he was a budding tattoo artist—though I use that term very loosely in this case. Thinking we might fall in love, I decided to ask him to tattoo my ankle. This was a massive mistake. Though I asked for a star, the result looks like a cross between a Dorito and a slice of pizza. We never dated, but I'll always remember him fondly as the man who immortalized my love for junk food in the form of a blurry, wavy, thoroughly unimpressive tattoo.
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Watching soccer? That is some "Gratest Love of All" shit. (No offense. RIP Whitney etc).
I was monogamous all through college, I think that qualifies as an insane thing to do for love. Also, I've voluntarily watched hundreds of hours of soccer, despite having no interest in the game, with college boyfriend while he got drunk and yelled at the tv, sometimes at 8 in the morning on a Saturday. That's crazy right?

I made a girl a poster-sized list of my pros and cons, complete with illustrations. Didn't work.
I stood outside a girl's house once all night waiting for her to come home. Five times. Is that crazy?
I stayed with the same guy for ten years then married him and he's a fucking weirdo.
-michelle, probably
Crashed a party on the other side of campus where I knew nobody. I had a plan to fake the persona of an Australian guy, complete with accent, background story, etc, thinking it would allow me to meet an interesting woman.
So I chatted up several woman at the party and I had it going pretty well, about to make my move until by sheer bad luck a gal I'd hooked up with in the past arrived at the party, and was like "HEY I KNOW THIS GUY, YOUR NAME'S NOT AIDEN!"
Luckily she was so bombed I finally managed to convince her she had me confused with someone else, and since there were no better offers after she nearly blew my cover, I helped her to her dorm and accepted sloppy drunken head as a consolation prize.
Off topic but that pink Izod v-neck is pretty amazing.
Dating a guy in a band. Nothing stupider than that.
I paid next day air for a pocket pussy. Been fucking that rubber snatch for a couple of years now. Happy Valentine's Day, baby!
The chick, con and car story was the shit.
Right? That's some ride or die shit.
What're those plastic vaginas like anywhoo?
gave a girl flowers in front of my whole class. Now I feel like moving to another planet.
I once flew across the country to visit my FWB. Then I had sex with a minor league baseball player on the airplane home. Sex is the same thing as love, right?
No. I had sex last weekend, but no love might kill me.
What is a FWB?
friend with benefit i think
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