Monday, February 6, 2012

nothing matters

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mustard said...

chin up buddy. imagine being a browns fan or something?


Eh, not sure. Isn't it better to just be a predictable loser year in and year out rather than almost be good enough every time but never quite come through? Consider everything I've ever done in my life for reference.


Kind of looking forward to the Brady era being over so I can stop expecting them to win the Super Bowl every year and get more realistic expectations.


Also looking forward to being old and dead so I can stop thinking I'm ever going to amount to anything meaningful.


If Brady had a half decent defense they would have won, don't blame the most talented one on the team.


I'm not blaming him for the loss, although he has made some questionable decisions this year, and the safety was just weeeeeeyid. I'm blaming him for being so good that is artificially inflates my expectations. It's just not fun.

Anonymous said...

Somebody ran out of druuuugs. Come west, hairy young man.


I am fresh out of football that's my biggest drug problem at the moment. Anyone know a guy?

vegan jules said...

Chear up bro. In London the superbowl doesn't matter. But yeah, I felt for your Patriots. I lived in Northfield, Mass for 8 months you know. It was the fucking receivers actually. They couldn't catch shit.


Thanks for commenting on the post and reminding me! :(


The thing about the Super Bowl loss, or any huge disappointing sportsball loss, is that you're depressed for a while, but then you obviously move on because you're not a psychopath. But then, every now and again, once you've gotten over it, you see a video clip, or remember a specific detail, or even dream about it against your will, and it's like that shit when you remember holding hands with your ex or whatever, and it stabs you in the heart. I haven't had any exes for a loooong time, fortunately, but I remember that shit.

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