Friday, July 6, 2012

Budweiser wants you to know it cares about the troops, and that it's a great place to work

Justin Glawe lives in Peoria. . Remember that? That was nice. Now he's mad at the troops or hates America or something. I dunno, see what he says below. Also: folds of honor. Am I right fellas?

OK. I did my duty and kept my mouth shut earlier this week, so as not to disturb all those who were getting their Merica on, but it's time to get back to normal. I found, and stole, this poster from a North Peoria bar over the Memorial Day weekend.

It's great Anheuser-Busch is helping out our Vets, it really is, because we all know there aren't enough organizations dedicated to serving our country's military veterans.

But that doesn't mean you get to print out huge, gaudy posters and have blindly patriotic bar owners plaster what amounts to a giant free advertisement on tavern walls across the land.

What's even more disturbing about this - besides that tribal art Bald Eagle - is that instead of providing the reader (if there are any, as opposed to what is probably men drunkenly proclaiming this country the greatest and giving a hearty cheers in the direction of this poster) with a way to find the Folds of Honor Foundation's website, the folks at Anheuser-Busch decided to direct people to their own fucking jobs website.

I wonder if all the idiots who raised their Budweisers over the holiday in support of their corporate overlords dedication to Vets know that the King of Beers is owned by a Dutch company.

If the amount of people who don't know how the Supreme Court ruled on the Affordable Care Act is any indication, the answer to that query is 'probably not.'


brought to you by


Anonymous said...

I hate america, but I will look past this and continue to support budlight.

Anonymous said...

Bud Light is the beer America deserves

Anonymous said...

The company that owns Bud is Belgian, not Dutch bro.

Anonymous said...

like a warm blanket that smells like mom. a warm frosty watered down can of momblanket. yum.


I blame my editor for that error, who probably blames me. Also, Belgian, Dutch, what's it matter? It's not Merican is the point.

Anonymous said...

So Budweiser is late to the party just like anyone proclaiming their love for bacon and zombies. It's a terrible beer for poor people and mexicans.

I hate it when Mr. O'Neil is gone and we get a substitute teacher.


what's going on on here now?


Anonymous: Please report to the principal's office.

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