Oh word? Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't exactly clear on how the human body works. Feel like if this prescription bottle knew me just a little bit better it would've changed that "may" to a "will" and "weeks to months" to "today and probably like every other day for the rest of your life."

Your doc's name is Joshi? That's Navajo for pussy. How does a doped up white boy know such things? I work with Navajos. Guess what my nickname is? Dropping some knowledge your way.
Don't shit your pants, bro. Why you got penicillin?
Let me rephrase that. Why do you have penicillin, Drippy Dick O'Neil?
LOL @ Navajo for pussy.
I got my tooth did, as you'll see in a previous post. Don't want that shit to get infected so I got penicillin. Not enough to stop smoking/eating spicy food, but still.
No idea what the dude's name was who did it. Joshi sounds about right. Like Josh, but a little Josh.
Only thing dripping out of my dick is urine, because it takes me a half hour to piss now that I'm old as shit.
Just lie to us. It's way more entertaining. It's not like the old lady or parents read Luke's Pottymouth internet thing.
Got a dose from that hooer hygienist and I'm pissin' razorblades over here! Dudes with nose rings pull mad javina. Rips off shirt, drops mic, Peaces Out!
My parents and old lady do read this!
Fine, I got a drippy dick from the hooer hygenist who couldn't resist jumping on my dick while the other hot dentist lady was yanking my tooth out. It was kind of a 50/50 experience over all.
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