Monday, July 30, 2012

Please stop sharing that story about the Italian father's garden

Look, I'm as anti-authoritarian as the next middle-aged white guy from the suburbs, so I can sort of understand the impulse behind sharing this super-viral photo story about an old Italian guy from New Jersey whose imprisoned son tricked the feds into digging up his garden for him, but on the other hand, I'm not an easily duped rube, so I'm kind of at an impasse here. liked this, and it has . That's a lot of boring fucking people out there, which probably shouldn't come as news, and yet it still stings afresh every time I'm reminded. 

Setting aside the fact that it's obviously fake, what's really going on in this story is that a criminal Italian guy from New Jersey tricked the government into wasting tax payer resources on helping an old bastard plant tomatoes. That's like douche bingo right there. LOL, bravo horrible guy who we'd all probably despise if we met him in real life. You did a good prank right there. What's that imaginary guy in imaginary jail for anyway? Probably nothing serious, right?

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Anonymous said...

The other one is Dad gets the police to split his firewood when his son says that's where the drugs are hidden. Reblog if you're a gullible dipshit.


come on... really?

Anonymous said...

You don't read as much as you write. Shit like this is everywhere. Don't even start on the fake military motivational stuff. I'll give you one though. A reporter (obviously looking for a hand wringing, NPR, in touch with her feelings type) asks a sniper what he feels when he shoots a terrorist. His reply......RECOIL! Reblog if you love America! Totally true, right? Single mother, the hardest job in the world. Like this! Follow me! Fucking people.

Anonymous said...

These picture posts are like the new comic sans email forwards right?

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