I posted earlier here about this piece I wrote for Bullett showing the damning secret Mitt Romney video that emerged today that in an ideal world would sink his campaign, but in reality will probably only energize the base. Surprisingly we were one of the first to jump on it after Mother Jones uncovered it, which is almost a real thing to be proud of in internet news now, as it's obviously gone on to grab headlines all over the internet, from NYT on down.
You can read an excerpt of what I had to say below, but that's not what I'm here to tell you about. I want to tell you about the single stupidest response to a political discussion I have ever gotten in my life, which came in the form of this quote from a conservative Facebook person that trolls my every political thread. Once you read that stick around below for the most hilarious part of the link the dude shared.
You can read an excerpt of what I had to say below, but that's not what I'm here to tell you about. I want to tell you about the single stupidest response to a political discussion I have ever gotten in my life, which came in the form of this quote from a conservative Facebook person that trolls my every political thread. Once you read that stick around below for the most hilarious part of the link the dude shared.
Conservative broski:
It's definitely disturbing to hear a candidate say his isn't concerned with winning certain votes. I also do like Obama's way better
Go read that link, and then once you're done dying of laughter/horror, realize that this type of false equivalency horseshit is par for the conservative course. BUT THE OTHER SIDE DOES IT TOO amounts to the only response to literally any damning evidence that they can typically muster. Fair game if it's actually true, but there is nothing, nothing, there that even comes close to what Romney has said here. The man who wants to be the president of the United States has effectively -- not effectively, literally -- called half of the country lazy pieces of shit who add nothing and are just looking for a hand out from rich people like him. Obama made a joke about washing cars to the actual press knowing it was being recorded. Romney's moment was meant to be private.
[UPDATE: My man says he was kidding, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, because no one I personally know is that stupid, but the reaction was true enough to the conservative model that it sill serves to illustrate the point.]
[UPDATE: My man says he was kidding, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, because no one I personally know is that stupid, but the reaction was true enough to the conservative model that it sill serves to illustrate the point.]
Now, I'm sure Obama says all sorts of things that wouldn't be politically beneficial to his campaign in private -- what candidate doesn't? -- but this comment from Romney is the essence of the conservative mindset. They think that you, you specifically, are a good for nothing fuck off. You don't rake in cash hand over fist like they do, or they want to do, so you are a worthless write off. If only Romney could write off citizens as easily as he does his hundreds of millions in earnings, which he pays a lesser tax rate on than you or I, by the way.
OK, check out the Bullett piece intro below, then stick around for my favorite piece of cognitive dissonance I've seen since that conservative idiot shared that link above.
In what we’re going to call breaking news, but come on, I think we all know this isn’t really news, Mother Jones has uncovered a secret video from a Mitt Romney fundraising event where he managed, in what is probably the first time on record, to actually say something that he believes: You are a piece of shit.
In front of a group of humanoid pigs with top hats on, feasting on plates piled high with thousands of dollars in cash for which they were likely charged many extra thousand dollars in cash, plus a handlers fee, Romney explained his thoughts on the other half, the 47% of people who he doesn’t have to bother considering in his campaign....Read the rest at Bullet.
Hi. You still there? This is going to be worth it. Here's the kicker to that piece of conservative doggerel from CNSNews.com linked above:
CNSNews.com is not funded by the government like NPR. CNSNews.com is not funded by the government like PBS.
CNSNews.com relies on individuals like you to help us report the news the liberal media distort and ignore. Please make a tax-deductible gift to CNSNews.com today. Your continued support will ensure that CNSNews.com is here reporting THE TRUTH, for a long time to come. It's fast, easy and secure.
Yo, if your site actually had value in the free market, it seems to me like you would already be making money. I think it's probably time you shut down.
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not sure that techinically counts since there's some comments in the facebook thing up there, but close enough.
"called half of the country lazy pieces of shit who add nothing and are just looking for a hand out from rich people like him."
No, half of the voters, not half of the country. Voters are fucking morons.
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