exactly like this |
Hi there. I'm filming a pilot for a TV talk show called Carousel, which, at the very least, will be entertaining for watching me act like a normal goddamn person for once in my life. Pretty sure "meh, this blows" doesn't play well on camera.
The point is, you guys should come down and ! It's going to be like a talk show, but it's set in a bar instead of a studio. We'll be doing interviews with Boston's best musicians, chefs, bartenders, authors, fashion people, and, I dunno, jugglers probably. Do people still juggle? That's on Monday, April 23rd , the super cool and handsome old-timey bar in Davis Square. The next night, Tuesday, April 24th we're filming the live music component in the adjacent Davis Square Theatre with three super cool Boston bands You Can Be a Wesley, Gentlemen Hall, and Wheat. . Probably need more heads on the music night to fill out the crowd if you're trying to pick one. It's free, and kind of early, and I'll probably buy you a beer if you're not weird about it. If you're a person who does something interesting and want to get involved down the line, or, more importantly, someone with money who wants to talk business, please "do not hesitate" to "get in touch" with "any questions." Thanks in advance.
Check out the bands below.
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If you need a woman on your show to do something like wear a short skirt and smile, I'd like to apply.
Nice! Congrats! Best of luck.
Thanks yo.
Jess, you can come by in your short skirt and video bomb all of the shots in the background if you like.
Good luck, Luke. You should wear sleeveless Tapout shirts and work in the phrase, "Ya dood" as much as possible. Be natural, right?
If it airs before June my dance company would prob give you money to talk about us and get people to buy tickets to our show for a change. You could interview the one dancer who's tiny and Asian with cat eye glasses/sleeves/Vans/denim vests so your target audience finds it relevant.
I'm not sure when it will air yet, but that's not a bad idea for another one if we do in fact get a chance to make another one.
Also she lives in Allston and is vegan. Run tel your poor man's Harvey Weinstein dat and you're greenlit.
Haha, I wish I had a powerful fat jew on my side. No offense to skinny powerful jews.
Cool beans old fella. I hope it takes off in a big way for you.
probably not, but thanks
Not with that attitude...get that Flashdance montage going on or The A-Team gearing up for battle sequence in your mind. Or just show up drunk and berate your hot co-host. Let's go author AND tv personality.
ha, thanks for the pep talk coach.
This will be me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0_WJDige0s
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