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In the newspaper and politics biz they used to say that every single letter to the editor or voter letter was an indication that roughly ten thousand (ish) times as many other people shared the same opinion. Now we all have our own electronic newspapers, and are each the governor of our own sad little constituencies of nothing, so that means whenever I see like four to seven people share a link on Facebook I assume everyone is talking about it.
That's been the case this week with this Supermodels Without Photoshop: Absolutely Gorgeous Or Just Plain Average? [PHOTOS] link. (The [PHOTOS] part is what makes you click on it, perv.)
TOP STORY! I'm as sensitive as the next guy who cries in the gym shower every day on my never-ending quest to physical mediocrity to the ways unattainable standards of beauty are pushed on us BY THE MEDIA, but something about these type of reactionary responses to beauty have always bothered me. It's the "eat a sandwich" metaphor writ large. I guess the point here is sometimes beautiful women look less beautiful, so we are hereby absolved of our collective humanly sins of grossness? BEAUTY IS A MYTH, DEAR FRIENDS. EAT ON.
The International Business Times piece explains:
Supermodels are rarely seen without the help or makeup or Photoshop. But when they are caught au naturale are they still absolutely gorgeous or just plain average?
In 2010, the casting photos for Louis Vuitton's Fall 2010 runway show were released and became a sensation on Reddit. The casting shots showed supermodels like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Bar Refaeli, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio and more without any makeup on and completely un-Photoshopped.
The photo posted on Reddit juxtaposed the model without makeup or Photoshop against an editorial shot. Comments on Reddit included: "Seriously, though-how many of them have enormous foreheads and huge eyes? A lot of them are not attractive sans makeup. Their faces look smooshed; they're too damn skinny. Put down the coke straw and eat a cheeseburger, ladies!" and the more poetic "coke, coke, coke ,coke, heroine, coke, heroine, heeeey that one is smiling..., coke, heroine, heroine, coke, ..."
Although these photos are two-plus years old, they are still making the rounds.
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I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man! |
The piece continues:
Israel enacted a law on Monday that bans too-skinny models from working unless they meet a specific body mass index (BMI). The "skinny model ban" also prohibits the use of models who "look underweight" in advertisements, reported Yahoo! News. Developers of advertisements in Israel must disclose whether or not they used Photoshop or digital alterations to make the model look thinner.
...In Israel, approximately two percent of girls between the ages of 14 and 18 have severe eating disorders, according to a study by anthropologist Sigal Gooldin. "We want to break the illusion that the model we see is real," Liad Gil-Har, assistant to law sponsor Dr. Rachel Adato, told the New York Daily News.
So, a photo of a supermodel or a celebrity without makeup or Photoshop editing becomes a sort-of counteroffensive to this unattainable notion of flawlessness, since those who are supposed to embody the highest standard of "perfection" might not even meet it themselves.
This is all just further evidence of the dumbing down of the world, but instead of scorning egghead liberal elites and their fancy book learning presidenting, we're trying to pull the physically beautiful down to our genetic mean, like a bunch of drowning people clinging to the side of an over-packed life raft. Except the ocean is a pool of ranch dressing, and the life raft is someone whose butthole we'd like to put our face near. Something like that. Metaphors are for nerds anyway.
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Don't get it twisted, I think body snarking, as the ladies call it on their lady internets, and judging people harshly on their physical appearance is pretty shitty, especially when it's coming from overweight dick-fisted men hating on women anonymously on the internet. I'm the last guy you'll see making fun of someone for something they can't control. Unless the joke is really easy. But guess what? I do it subconsciously all the time. So do you. Pretending that there is no such thing as beautiful people in the world isn't doing the rest of us any favors, it's just plugging our ears, covering our eyes, and sticking our heads in the sand to alter reality to what we want it to be to make ourselves feel more comfortable, which also kind of works out aesthetically, because we're all naturally ashamed of our asymmetrical faces and showing them off in public is offensive to the people that really matter.

But when they are caught au naturale are they still absolutely gorgeous or just plain average?
Nope, still absolutely gorgeous. Only like one or two of them aren't still incredibly stunning, in my opinion.
Images in magazines are touched-up, not real, therefore beauty is a lie. (?)
Are those racks a lie? I mean, damn.
Luke, Luke... you're probably the most cynical bro on the NET.
i hate out of love
One of them legit looks like an alien au naturel (top row middle). The rest of them I would happily marry on the strength of their photos.
Yeah. Someone who uses semi-colons and spells heroin wrong in a "sensational" piece on Reddit probably shouldn't be taken seriously. There are a lot of sexist people on Reddit. On the whole internet. That's why us ladies use our lady internets.
I did like the pictures though. I think anyone though who wants to look like a supermodel is kind of weird. I wouldn't mind, but I like myself. I mean to each their own of course.
As for the FB comments, there should be a way to disable these comments so it's just the FB comments, you can also edit it so it doesn't have all that cheesy self advertising around it and that comments graphic is kind of weird at the end of your very intense posts. This is my opinion. This I am not happy about because I like posting with random names.
on the comments thing, it's been harder to get that graphic stuff off that it seems. so i'm told by my friend who's trying to do it for me who knows a lot more than I do.
I think I want to have both facebook comments so people who are into that ease of commenting can do it, and leave the regular ones for people who want to be anonymous. Maybe that won't work, but we're going to give a go.
If you have access to the files you used to install it on the blog it should be easy enough. I don't know Blogger well though. I like the FB comments. It really sets people up for arguments and debate which I like. That's probably a good idea to have both.
I want to bang some of the regular faces even more than the supermodel faces. Besides top row middle. They should have just used her for the point they were trying to make and buried the rest of the photos because I want to "do" them all.
LOL, they looks more then ordinary. :P
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